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Agarwood beads |
Agarwood beads We sell Agarwood wood rosary with different sizes according to the demand. Agar Wood size that we Sell are as follows:
- Agar Wood beads 8 mm
- Agar Wood beads 10 mm
- Agar Wood beads 12 mm
- Agar Wood beads 14 mm
- Agar Wood beads 16 mm
- Agar Wood beads 18 mm
- Agar Wood beads 20 mm
For those of you who are interested can contact in phone to +62818 623 964. For availability of goods both size and price Please contact the admin.
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Agarwood beads Before deciding to invest in shares in a company, investors often also consider book to market ratio. Book-to-market ratio is the ratio between the book value per share to the market value of shares. The book value per share so reflects the value of the company, and the value of the company is reflected in the economic value of its net worth. Book value per share is the net asset value divided by the number of economically shares outstanding. Economic net worth is the difference in total assets with total liabilities. While the market price is the price established in the market of buying and selling stocks. Book to market ratio analysis needed for investors because the book to market ratio is high can be an indicator that the company is still undervalued. When an enterprise is undervalued, it can be said that the company is in good enough condition so it is less able to provide benefits to the investors who have invested.
Agarwood beads According to Robert Ang (1997), book to market ratio is a ratio that is used as an indicator to measure the performance of the company through its market price. Companies with high book to market ratio indicates that the market valued the company is relatively lower than the book value of the company. Theoretically, the ratio of book to market have a negative effect on stock returns in other words, the higher the ratio of book to market a company, the lower the resulting stock returns, and vice versa where a company with a low book to market ratios have a level of stock returns are relatively higher .
Agarwood beads Several studies have been conducted to determine the relationship between distress risk, firm size, book to market ratio and stock returns. Zaretzky and Zumwalt (2007) conducted a study on the relationship of distress risk, book to market ratio and return premium. Objects in the study were non-financial firms listed in the NYSE-AMEX and NASDAQ stocks stock in the period 1984 to 1995. The results found there was a significant negative relationship between distress risk and return of premium.
Agarwood beads While Fama and French (1992) suggest a book to market value ratio is high indicating that the company has a poor performance and are likely to experience financial difficulties (financial distress) or have poor prospects. Fama and French (1992) concluded that the book to market ratio has a negative relationship to return. That is, the larger the ratio of book to market value, the smaller a company's stock return. In another study, Fama and French (1993) states that firm size and book to market ratio has a sensitivity to risk factors is also a determining factor in the variation of stock return and help explain the cross sections of average return. Evidence on their research shows that firm size and book to market ratio, associated with gains. Furthermore, Fama and French (1995) found that there is a positive relationship between the factor market and the size of the return, but not found a link between book to market equity to return.
Agarwood beads Dichev (1998) directly investigated the relationship between distress risk, size, B / M and return, using the bankruptcy risk as a proxy for distress risk. Dichev (1998) found that an equal-weighted portfolio of firms with the highest distress ratio of B / M and low returns.Another result found by Harowitz Loughran, Savin (2000) to test the relationship of firm size (firm size) with the return. Using regression analysis methods Sp line, cross-sectional regression and annual compound returns, it is known that the measurement of the 3 methods not found a significant relationship between firm size and return.Research on other objects is also performed by Andreas Constantinidis Charitou and Eleni (2004) who conducted a study of Japanese Stock Market period 1992-2001 to test the behavior of earnings, in relation to the size and book to market equity. From these results, they suggest that there is a significant relationship between the market, size, book to market equity and the expected stock return in the Japanese Market.
Agarwood beads In Indonesia stock investors can invest by buying shares of the company (issuer) that are listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange grouped by business sector that is done, one of which is the manufacturing sector. The manufacturing sector is the largest group of issuers than other sectors. Firms in the manufacturing sectoran issuer whose shares are actively traded on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Before deciding to buy or sell stocks, investors surely needs the availability of information. This information is required to be able to predict the magnitude of stock returns to be received from the investment made. Such information associated with factors related to and have an impact on stock returns. As described above, distress risk, firm size and book to market ratio are some of the factors thought to have a relationship with stock returns generated.
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