Selasa, 25 November 2014

Agarwood Bracelet 16 mm

Agarwood Bracelet 16 mm
Origin     :
Membramo Papua
Weight    : 11.9 grams
Price       : 70 USD
Nice fragrant and overtime, 100 percent natural, satisfaction guarantee. if the goods are not naturally we will refund 100 percent.


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Agarwood Bracelet 16 mm From the description of the background above shows that there is a gap of some reseach results of research that has been done. Occur inconsistencies results regarding the relationship between distress risk, firm size, book to market ratio and stock returns. From the description of the background is also seen that the share of manufacturing companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange there is no consistent pattern of association between distress risk, firm size, book to market ratio and return.
Based on the research problem, can be formulated research questions (research gap) as follows:
1. How is the relationship between distress risk with stock returns?
2. What is the relationship between firm size with stock returns?
3. What is the relationship between the book to market ratio with stock returns?
1.3. Research Objectives

Agarwood Bracelet 16 mm As a description of the formulation of the problem that has dikemukaan above, this study was conducted with the aim to:
1. Analyze the relationship between distress risk with stock returns.
2. Analyze the relationship between firm size with stock returns.
3. Analyze the relationship between the book to market ratio with stock returns.
1.4. systematics Writing

Agarwood Bracelet 16 mm This research is compiled by systematic arranged in a sequence that consists of several chapters, namely: Chapter I: Introduction, Chapter II Review of Literature, Chapter III Methods, Chapter IV Results and Discussion, Chapter V Cover. For each of the contents of each section are as follows:
This chapter contains the background of the problem, formulation of the problem, the purpose of research, usability studies, and systematic writing.
This chapter contains the theoretical basis, previous research, framework and research hypotheses.

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