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Agarwood bracelets |
Agarwood bracelets We sell Agarwood wood rosary with different sizes according to the demand. Agar Wood size that we Sell are as follows:
- Agar Wood beads 8 mm
- Agar Wood beads 10 mm
- Agar Wood beads 12 mm
- Agar Wood beads 14 mm
- Agar Wood beads 16 mm
- Agar Wood beads 18 mm
- Agar Wood beads 20 mm
For those of you who are interested can contact in phone to +62818 623 964. For availability of goods both size and price Please contact the admin.
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Agarwood bracelets Caar or accumulation of the average abnormal return is the sum of the average abnormal return the day before with the average abnormal return thereafter (Jogiyanto, 2005). Or the total amount derived from the abnormal return periods combined (Linda, 2007). If there are k securities, then caar can be calculated as follows:
CAARt = i = 1 (7)
CAARt = number of AAR on the ket
CARit = CAR on security i on day ket
k = the number of securities in the event window
Caar can also be calculated by accumulating the AAR for harihari before. If AAR is Aart ket day, then the day caar ket can be calculated by:
Aara CAARt = Σ (8)
a = t3
CAARt = caar on the ket
Aara = AAR on the kea, which began t3 (early day window period) until the ket
2.4 StudiPeristiwa (EventStudy)
Agarwood bracelets Studies of events (event study) is a study of the market reaction to an event that information is published as an announcement. Event study can be used to test the information content of an announcement and can also be used to test the semi-strong form of market efficiency. Market reaction is indicated by a change in the price of the securities in question, and can be measured using returns as the value of the price change (Jogiyanto, 2005).
Testing only test the information content of market reaction, but did not test how quickly the market reacts. The market is said to form semi-strong efficient if investors react quickly to absorb the abnormal return to go to the new equilibrium price.
2.5 PengaruhPengumumanDividenTerhadapReturnSaham
One of the objectives of the investors in the investment is to increase prosperity in the future. According to Muhammad (2006) in the Beautiful (2007), the purpose of investment can be translated into practice as the goal to maximize the return of investment and profit expectations are often also referred to as the return.
Agarwood bracelets The interaction of supply and demand on the stock exchange which is basically determined by the assets they represent, produce an equilibrium price (equilibirium price) or that can be termed a market value. The equilibrium price reflects the collective actions of the buyers and sellers of shares based on the information available. when new information is available, the buyer and seller are assumed to immediately take action to consider such information in order to create a new balance. According Siaputra and Atmadja (2006), the process of market adjustment to new information can be viewed on the level of profits (required return). In theory Efficiency Market Hypothesis, stock prices react to information, including the information about the distribution of dividends. Information relating to the prospective benefits to be derived by an enterprise in the future by looking at the potential for current income. Under conditions where investors are faced with high uncertainty of the results of its investment activities, dividend announcement is believed to be able to influence the behavior of stock prices in the stock as a result of the actions of investors who want to profit from the incident.
2.6 PenelitianTerdahulu
Following previous studies described that analyzes the effect of dividend announcement on stock returns is a reference in this study:
Agarwood bracelets Prasetiono (2000) Research conducted by Prasetiono in 2000 was "The Effects of Dividend announcement Abnormal Return Against Shares on the Jakarta Stock Exchange". Samples are 30 shares, consisting of 15 stocks rose its cash dividend and 15 shares down their cash dividends. The sampling technique purposive sampling criteria are the most active companies traded in each industry sector and earn cash distribution is different between years 19961997. The model used is the average of the different test hypothesized value and the mean difference test between the two groups. The results showed that the dividend announcement does not significantly affect the abnormal stock returns, except for dividends down. look jual tasbih gaharu asli
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